Monday, April 30, 2007

Farewell April...Welcome May

Well, another month has flown by and I bid this month farewell. I've had enough of the cold, snow covered terrain. I want to see the beautiful song birds and my flowers bloom. I want to get out into my garden and start sowing the seeds to my vegetable garden.

I also have a special request...."Please, God...No more baby animals." Yes, they are very cute and in need of care, but I have enough responsibilities. There is a great farm down the road from me (sorry Trish.) The baby bunny didn't survive and my kids were pretty upset. It's hard to hand me a wild bunny so young. A very delicate balance, one in which I couldn't tip towards continued life. We tried, the kids and I. Oh, and we LOVE Penelope and Rocky now has a playmate; but, please two felines is enough -OK?

The photos above are to introduce you to our newest member, Penny. Also, our infamous April snowstorm. The lower bottom is absolutely incredible. They depict a two week time span showing my Birch trees and forsythia bushes out front of the garage. I really thought I would loose the trees. They bent all the way to the ground, but as you can see...they survived! Oh course, I had to share Jake's latest work of art. He loves to paint and he is very creative as you can see.

Well, all I have left to say is WELCOME MAY!!!


Going Crazy....wanna come said...

Aww Sis, looks a little like Biskit.....

By the way....Noah took in two of each of Gods make room for the deer, skunks, and of course the sly fox....heheh

Keep it up, you got a beautiful family!

neverenoughtime said...

oh no, no, no Bro.... I have had a rabid fox, deer tick bite, plenty of skunk smell remover. I do not need any more creatures on my property. And as for the children department...we are done!! Other than that, we're a beautiful family, yes!

My Mind is Mush