Saturday, May 2, 2009

Karma comes a' callin

The Law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. This concept comes to us in many forms. As you sow; so shall you reap. What goes around comes around. You get what you give. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth

In simple terms, when we chose to do or think good things, good things come back to us (good karma).

When we chose to do or think bad things, bad things come back to us (bad karma).

Karma is the condition created by the choice.

It’s important to remember:

The choices we make in every moment will determine the kind of opportunities and experiences we will have in the future.

If someone treats us badly we must respond with kindness and understanding (turn the other cheek, as Jesus suggested) in order to generate good karma for the future.

If we retaliate and do something unkind in return, the cycle of negative karma will continue and even escalate.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”, as Gandhi said.


A tingling in the air
What is this feeling?
Static electricity all about me
It has a fresh air smell to it

Ah...I believe I read about this
This thing called Karma

I am not concentrating on anyone noticing,
but me...
Other's and they know who they are
will soon see if not already

Truth is in the eye of the beholder
Actions speek louder than words
All these phrases written
by people whom personally experience them

I wonder what I will write?
I'll stick to Karma comes a callin'

Right now, I look upon my sleeping babes
with a smile on my face
They are beautiful
A huge slice of my soul

There is it again
this tingling feeling
the smell of peacefulness

The knowledge of knowing my truths and
I know what is important
Keep my course

Everything that goes around comes around
Those that choose to do good
to better themselves for others
to remove oneself from negative surroundings

Well, they will find peace and happiness
Those that fail to recognize their weaknesses
their mistakes,
Well, the cycle is a vicious one

Namaste, Jen

My Mind is Mush