Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Desert Rose

"Desert Rose"

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of fire
Those dreams are tied to a horse that will never tire
And in the flames
Her shadows play in the shape of a man's desire

This desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

And as she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothing's as it seems

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
This rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of her love

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

Sweet desert rose
Each of her veils, a secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume ever tortured me more than this

Sweet desert rose
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower
This rare perfume, is the sweet intoxication of the fall


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Karma comes a' callin

The Law of Karma is the Law of Cause and Effect. This concept comes to us in many forms. As you sow; so shall you reap. What goes around comes around. You get what you give. An eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth

In simple terms, when we chose to do or think good things, good things come back to us (good karma).

When we chose to do or think bad things, bad things come back to us (bad karma).

Karma is the condition created by the choice.

It’s important to remember:

The choices we make in every moment will determine the kind of opportunities and experiences we will have in the future.

If someone treats us badly we must respond with kindness and understanding (turn the other cheek, as Jesus suggested) in order to generate good karma for the future.

If we retaliate and do something unkind in return, the cycle of negative karma will continue and even escalate.

“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”, as Gandhi said.


A tingling in the air
What is this feeling?
Static electricity all about me
It has a fresh air smell to it

Ah...I believe I read about this
This thing called Karma

I am not concentrating on anyone noticing,
but me...
Other's and they know who they are
will soon see if not already

Truth is in the eye of the beholder
Actions speek louder than words
All these phrases written
by people whom personally experience them

I wonder what I will write?
I'll stick to Karma comes a callin'

Right now, I look upon my sleeping babes
with a smile on my face
They are beautiful
A huge slice of my soul

There is it again
this tingling feeling
the smell of peacefulness

The knowledge of knowing my truths and
I know what is important
Keep my course

Everything that goes around comes around
Those that choose to do good
to better themselves for others
to remove oneself from negative surroundings

Well, they will find peace and happiness
Those that fail to recognize their weaknesses
their mistakes,
Well, the cycle is a vicious one

Namaste, Jen

Thursday, March 19, 2009



Please copy and paste this link to your browser...log in and vote for this wonderful photographer. She chose an amazing topic of much importance. Thank you! Peace, Jen

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

May 8th Art Exhibit

Works and creations by Irma Seabury, Wilmington, DE. Poet and Artist of Oil/Acrylic/Charcoal. She combines fine objects and uses her creativity to an unusual estetic form that is related to her life experience.

Made By Hand Gallery
112 South Street
Philadelphia, PA

Society Hill, 100 Block of South Street


May 8, 2009
7-9 PM

Poetry, Live Music and Art

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

He is

He is a mirror you see in the fun house or the museum
the one you stand in front of and see more than one image
the first image you see is beautiful

stand there for awhile
and you see
another distorted picture

How can such a kindhearted person deceive you?
What has he suffered to make this monster appear before you?

How can you know?
He hides behind his ghosts every second of his existence

After some prodding

it becomes more c l e a r

pressure to be someone you are not on the inside
moving from place to place when you need solid ground to grow
out at sea for months on end
was that man on the gurney screaming out in pain going to be okay?
how did that happen?

go child this is not your place to be

find a hiding place
escaping to my canvas...subject ANYTHING;a bird landed on the deck

what is in its' mouth?
is that a fish?

Immersed into a place of your birth at a time of instability and confusion
How old am I today?

Traveling on a bus full of dreams

Where is my pencil and paper?

Why did we stop???? Who are these angry men in uniforms
Let me go
I do not belong among you...

I am not of the age...see my papers

Falling in daldrums of chaos and forced to fight in a conflict that I do not fully understand. Months of war and death, images like slow clicks of a camera.

Images I wish can be erased from my mind
Is this man I am sleeping next to breathing?

Are you alive.........


I am not here.....

Woke up in a military hospital with a bullet in my leg
I have to go back.....what do you mean I have satisfied my duty?

Returning to the states. America.....the land where they take everyting for granted.
Do they even know what is going on just south of them?

Fighting back my ghosts everyday....I find my true love

only to be deceived....

I've given you everything.... Who is this man? What about our child?

A burning passion deep inside. I have to exalt the pain, the memories

Where is my brush? Where is my bottle?

e m p t y

Test it anyway....got a taste

When did I drink that? Days merge into weeks...Weeks merge into months

My trials of normality, responsibility, PuRpOsE
Failing with each tilt of the head....burning in my throat and belly

Can't drive anymore
Can't pay my bills

Who was that girl? Surrounding myself with soul sappers

People like me.... looking for purpose


not finding it

Drowning in sadness

Spinning in this vicious circle...round round round

He needs to get out of here

Can't you hear him? H E L P

To be continued.....

Friday, February 6, 2009

We sometimes resort to harmful ways to deal with life's strife
we poison our bodies on days we feel we cannot deal
what seems as an easy way out
is only a cop out

I look upon these walls and see
such creativity

Healthful ways to deal with our struggles
an understanding and acceptance of oneself

Let us repose
look at each pose

Is this self-indulgent crap (sic)?
or is that just slap stick?

We are not of one color, race or creed
we are all from the same seed

I see a women at peace with herself
through a camera lens
reflecting on her day or taking a stand

She does not see flaws
for there are no laws that are written
telling us how we must appear
or who we must fear when there eyes lay upon us

the beauty is in expression
expression of one's soul
of one's heart

we can express ourselves with a gentle stroke of a brush on canvas
or with some creative words on paper
or some do not waver when grasping the camera
or opening their voice in song

Thank you, Christy and Sarah
you have a beautiful aura about you
you've shared a piece of your soul
and spread your creativity

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Come to our art exhibit if you can. The pieces were hung this week and they look beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there. Peace, Jen

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Dreamin of days long gone

I have been catching up with my old grade school friends on Facebook. It has been so fun to hear from each of them and to see what they are up to these days. It seems unbelievable that we are all that much older and have children of our own. I can sit and remember some of my younger days as if they just happened, yet it's hard to remember what I did yesterday ! :) I have some photos I am going to scan and post. See if some of my old pals will recognize themselves.

My Mind is Mush