Monday, March 3, 2008

Take a look at Obama's Stand on Education

I was talking with a young teacher there, and I asked her what she saw as the biggest challenge facing her students. She gave me an answer that I had never heard before. She spoke about what she called "These Kids Syndrome" - the tendency to explain away the shortcomings and failures of our education system by saying that "these kids can't learn" or "these kids don't want to learn" or "these kids are just too far behind." And after awhile, "these kids" become somebody else's problem.

And this teacher looked at me and said, "When I hear that term it drives me nuts. They're not ‘these kids.' They're our kids. All of them."

She's absolutely right. The small child in Manchester or Nashua whose parents can't find or afford a quality pre-school that we know would make him more likely to stay in school, and read better, and succeed later in life - he is our child.



Indeterminacy said...

We brought back an Obama button, and a poster for our window. Guess who I will vote for. If H.Clinton through some evil mechanism achieves the nomination, I hope Obama runs as an independent.

neverenoughtime said...

:-) Nice to hear of another supporter. No worries now about Hillary! Just have to worry about the Rebublican machine and dirty politics when it comes to election time. I just hope it won't be another Bush/Gore.... I saw Obama at a Democratic rally in Wilmington, DE and I was very impressed.

My Mind is Mush