Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veteran's Day


I dream of war
and deadly things
of Vietnam
and Marines

I smell the shells
and powder fumes
and see the troops
it consumes

In my dreams
I go back
to that awful
jungle pack

I relive those days
of doom
and see the friends
it consumed

I wonder why they
had to die
and I was left
to dream and cry

Written from the heart by Bob Anthony, Vietnam veteran

*Thinking of you Grampa, Dad and Brother.
Thank you for serving our country and keeping us safe
and I am not specifically referring to the Vietnam War.
My family is one of military experience ranging from
many different conflicts. This is out of respect to them
and the many citizens who have served. Thank you!


Nguyen Giang Son said...

what do you know about Vietnam?

neverenoughtime said...

Did you even read the poem?
Veterans Day is to honor those that served our country.

Nguyen Giang Son said...

I know that but I want to know your knowing about Vietnam and Vietnam war. Son.

neverenoughtime said...

Son, I don't wish to make this political; however, I'd like to hear what you'd have to say about it. I know where you are from -please share your thoughts.

Nguyen Giang Son said...

I don't mean that! The relationship between two country is being quite good now. Just want to understand your real thinking and feeling about that. Cheers! Son.

neverenoughtime said...

Well :)...from my understanding of the war, it all started with the French wanting to reestablish their rule in Vietnam. Their a battle insued and the French lost. After the war, Vietnam was divided in two parts (North and South Vietnam.) North Vietnam wanted to unify both by use of military force. The US provided (John F. Kennedy I believe) aide to South Vietnam to try to prevent a takeover by N. Vietnam. North Vietnam retaliated by bombing a US destoyer at which point the US entered the war as they wanted to keep South Vietnam independent and to resist against the communist rule. The war continued with very different tactics. Not very far into the war, US soldiers realized that this would last more than months...probably many years. They also started to question their existance in the war. The US remained there for reasons which many Americans thought was wrong. The US gov't claimed that if N. Vietnam were to succeed, they would become very powerful..and since they were a communist country, they would spread communism to Asia. Late in the war...S. Vietnam, N. Vietnam, the US made agreements at a peace conference in France and after many US soldiers left the war, fighting still continued. Saigon (spelling?) was taken over by the N. Vietnamese. The country then became a socialist republic, and the US tried to punish vietnam by cutting off all trade. This is my knowledge of the war Son.

Nguyen Giang Son said...

Thank you so much! :)

My Mind is Mush